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Video of the game here:

Thanks for playing!
I came down with a cold half way through the 7DRL week so had to scrap a lot of the original scope. Consumables were a part of the plan that unfortunately had to get removed. I'm very glad that the core of the idea comes through though, and works well enough.
Hopefully next year will be able to get something a bit more ambitious done :)

This is really an interesting concept.  I can't say I really figured out what the stagecraft abilities did for me, but I appreciate the innovation and the storytelling.

Unfortunately a lot of polish and teaching got left by the wayside, got sick towards the end of the jam so didn't end up having as much time as I thought I would.
The stagecraft abilities mostly manipulate the RNG of the combat

  • Aim for the Shield makes the target always hit your shields.
  • Dull strikes makes the target always hit for their minimum damage.
  • Get Hit makes the target always get hit for max damage, with no shield protection.

The other two have a bit weirder effects.

  • Stand by makes the target not do anything.
  • Friendly Fire makes the target hit an ally instead of you, if there is a valid target when they go to strike. Also works for abilities, and ally targeting buffs will target the player instead.

All these effects can be toggled on or off on any target at any time.