You play someone trapped inside a tiny box, your only means of communication with the outside world being your fingers and the vibrations you can make with them, in the form of morse code.
You're in luck though, someone has finally replied.

Left click - tap a dot
Hold Right click + left click - tap a dash

There is a tapping coming from the wall. First off, you need to translate those taps into a message and write it down in your notepad. I suggest writting the sequence of dots and dashes first, and then translating from that.

When you get the translation correct, your notepad will flip down and you'll write a response. You then have to tap that response back on the wall.

Made for Lovejam 2020
Thank you to all the creators at, your stuff is amazing. Full credits for all sounds used present along with the game files.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS, Linux
Rated 4.2 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
Tags2D, LÖVE, morsecode


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Install instructions

For those downloading on mac or linux, you'll need to download the latest version of Love and run it using that.

Development log


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What material is the box made out of?

i dont understand the ending

(2 edits)

I thought it'd be easy because I already know morse code, but it was kind of hard to understand when the other person was starting a new letter. It'd be nice to have an option to have a visual indicator of that. Other than that, this was a good game.

I tried to stay away from too many visual indicators, wanted the game to be mostly about listening. I think there's a longer pause between letters, but yeah it probably should have been more clear.

For some reason I can't seem to type in the game.

Sometimes when you click outside the window you lose the ability to type. Restarting the game will fix it.



-.. --- / -.-- --- ..- / -.- -. --- .-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . ..--..


-- .- -.-- -... . --..-- / -- .- -.-- -... . / -. --- -

how do i do the dash without a mouse?

Sorry, I don't have keyboard support implemented right now. That's definitely something I'll consider.

ok thank you :D

Please let me know if you do this!

-. .. -.-. . / --. .- -- . -.-.-- / .- -. -.. / --. --- --- -.. / -.-. --- -. -.-. . .--. - -.-.-- / ..-. .. -. -.. / .. - / .- / .-.. .. .-.. .----. / - --- --- / ..-. .- ... - / ..-. --- .-. / -- . / - .... --- .-.-.- / -.-. .- -. .----. -.-- / .-- .-. .. - . / -.. --- .-- -. / ..-. .- ... - / . -. --- ..- --. .... .-.-.- / --- - .... . .-. .-- .. ... . --..-- / .. / .-.. --- ...- . -.. / .. - .-.-.- / -.--. .- .... .... --..-- / -.. .. -.. / .. / .-- .-. .. - . / - .... .- - / .-. .. --. .... - ..--.. -.--.-

May wanna use a translator. That was hard.

Thanks! If you wrote that all out by hand, that's really impressive. I'm glad you had fun with it.

I used a translator for a good part of it. lol But thanks. 

with what program should  open .love file on Mac?

Woah okay, somehow I forgot to include instructions in the download.
You need to download love from here. Run it using that.

this is really good, and even tho the game is so short its really addicting. i think you should make a full game about morse code.

What are you supposed to say?

Ah, yeah that's my bad, the instructions are unclear.
When the other guy is tapping their message, you are supposed to type in what they're saying, to translate it, then you'll be given an opportunity to respond.

Oh! Okay, now that I now that I'll try again. Thanks for the help!





This looks cool! Unfortunately unplayable for me, since I have a Macbook and the normal method of "right clicking" (control+left click) doesn't work. Neat though, thanks!

Fantastic gameplay feel! Thankfully a game (no players online) trained me to handle morse code a little better lately. The minimal art and sound is very effective... Creepy little gem!

Thanks! I actually uploaded a patch a week ago that fixed the resolution problem, as well as some others people had mentioned. I was concerned that with the jam being over, no one was gonnna get to see the changes I made, but it looks like I don't need to worry about that anymore! I loved the video, and you got pretty close with your plot predictions.

You might want to check out the comments. Viewers love the morse! Also one comment says "They seem to be in the same situation as you. You are GVH while they are GVI" - I totally missed that (I actually thought GVH was something like the game dev's signature) 

Yeah I did notice that everyone was replying in morse code. Unfortunately my morse isn't as good as you might expect from someone who made a game about morse code, so I'm gonna have to pull out the translator. I'm glad someone picked up on the GVH implication though.

This is really cool but it's very unpleasant in browser and on desktop at the tiny resolution. Any chance you'll upgrade this to support 1080p?

That's a fair point. I'll think about it.