A downloadable game

The great cities of the old world have sunk, the highways and suburbs fully submerged, and only the tallest buildings left as solitary islands against the never ending ocean. Travel is all but impossible, so communication is scarce, and opportunities for the poor souls born into this concrete archipelago are dwindling.

Opportunities for the sailors who ply these seas however, are numerous and profitable. You are one of these sailors, put in charge of a steel breaking plow boat, and sent into the wreckage fields to discover who might be lurking there and what kind of riches they might have for someone who can deliver them much needed supplies.

The seas are full of danger though, and other beings have risen to the surface in this new age, beings not so interested in commerce. You will need all your sailors luck to carry out a successful mission.

Made for 7DRL2025, using Löve2Dth
Many thanks to Kyzrati for his excellent ASCII editor REXPaint, which we used as a map editor.

Made by

Updated 7 hours ago
Published 2 days ago
TagsSeven Day Roguelike Challenge, Roguelike, Sailing, Trading, Turn-based


Sinking Company Windows.zip 4.1 MB
Sinking Company.zip 230 kB

Install instructions

For Linux and Mac users
Please head to the love website https://www.love2d.org/ and download the latest version, then run the .love file downloaded with it.


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Doesn't run for me, says it's missing some DLLs.

Thank you very much for reporting this, have now uploaded some versions that should be working :)